Friday, November 18, 2011

French Music Friday -- Vol. 2: Pascal Parisot

The other day P (the 7 1/2 year-old daughter of M. T and Mme. T) wanted to show me some of the CDs and books she "used to" listen to when she was "little." First we listened to a book on CD of The Little Mermaid and I was seriously confused because the ending was different both from the original Hans Christian Andersen ending and the Disney version. In her version, after the prince leaves the little mermaid for another woman, the king destroys the sea witch so that the spell on the little mermaid is broken. She ends up going back to live with her mermaid family and marrying a sea prince! I didn't even think of that as an option. Are there other endings I don't know about?

Anyway, after that I was introduced to the French version of Raffi -- Pascal Parisot. Rest assured that I showed the kids "Bananaphone" and "Down by the Bay" afterward, but Pascal Parisot definitely gives Raffi a run for his money.

My favorites were "Les poissons panes" (fishsticks), "Mes parents sont bio" (roughly translating to "My parents are organic/only eat organic"), and "Tu chantes comme une casserole" (you sing terribly/like a casserole). Unfortunately, his songs haven't yet taken youtube by storm, so the video I'm posting is a mishmash of songs he played for a concert for little kids. He plays "Tu chantes comme une casserole" towards the end at least.

I couldn't find a video of my favorite of him singing the songs ("Mes parents sont bio"), but I did find this charming video of a French dad singing it with his kids behind him. At the end the kids come out and make comments about how their dad clearly does not eat all organic and even gets burgers at Quick (Quelle horreur!) and then he calls them "fils indignes" (indignant sons). I have a feeling it's staged, but quite cute all the same.

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