Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas (almost)!

Yesterday I went out shopping with my mom all afternoon and now I remember why I hate Christmas shopping last minute. What. a. nightmare.

I'd just like to ask Bed, Bath, & Beyond, Costco, and BevMo! a couple of questions.
  1. Why would you display the discounted price of an item when you don't even have it in stock anymore?
  2. Why didn't your cashier guy stop the conveyor belt thingy and keep my boxes from getting smashed in on one side?
  3. How could you run out of $25 gift cards?
Next year I'm finishing my shopping before Halloween.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hair Appointment Friday

Hoping my hair turns out something like this. Lighter of course.

And NOT like this.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Santa,

Please and thank you.


Harry Potter and the sniffles...

Went over to my sister's today with my family to watch Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on Blu-ray and had a great time playing with the new Kinnaman kittens. Unfortunately, I am super allergic to cats.

Here are Khelana (a girl) and Ruki (a boy).

I would post a video of the cats, but I'm too annoyed by the sound of my own voice and shaky camera-handling
to subject anyone else to that.


Monday, November 2, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Winter anklets...

Once the weather actually manages to dip below 70 degrees during the day,
I would love to dress as chic as the glamourai.
Let's cross our fingers for cooler weather by the end of the month!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Our Weekend in Pine

P.S. Happy Labor Day! from Tyler's family's cabin in Pine.
Watch Tyler and his brothers play jumprope...

He was so ahead of his time.

Before harem pants
and even before MC Hammer,
there was Dick Van Dyke dancing around like a penguin.
No one pulls off this look better than Dick.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Talent Show

Watching musicals as kids, Mindy and I would always pick out showtunes to perform. Whether it be a family event or a school talent show, there was no fear.

O to have the same childlike confidence to put on a costume and lip sync/sing in front of people. Let's just say I can't exactly see us sisters getting out there and performing these again...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Look, Urban Outfitters, I'm all for creative legwear but isn't this taking it a bit far?
Snakeskin tights that make the model look like she has leprosy?
And another pair for when she wants her legs to look like horse manes?
Or maybe she's just growing out her leg hair in the back...
Just ew.

I can't believe I'm dating a freshman.

Today was Tyler's first day as a freshman grad student at ASU and my first day as a senior undergrad. We had lots of fun wandering around campus together on our break, despite the madness of the MU. It took a good ten minutes of walking around the crowded halls before Tyler decided to get some Papa John's from the MU grocery store.

Then I took him to the secret garden.
I almost lost him on the way there when he didn't see me turn into the building.
I'm so glad that the painted arrows on the sidewalk are gone now though.
At least now we can all pretend that it's secret.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Underwater Wedding Love

When I spotted this post, it immediately reminded me of the end of the
balcony scene in Romeo + Juliet.
How incredible are all of this couple's wedding pictures on photographer Jessica Peterson's blog?
Now if I only I could escape the urge to plug my nose while swimming and open my eyes underwater without goggles...

... maybe then I'll come close to this couple's awesomeness.

Poladroid Fun

Thanks to Kristine for the link to Poladroid! What fun software!
This is a picture from last Sunday when Tyler and I got breakfast at the Coffee Shop in Gilbert.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Perfect Meal + Fashion is Danger

Today I
took Brett to school,
exercised to an old pilates dvd,
made paper cranes,
ate hummus and pita chips,
cleaned my room,
went to work,
made more cranes,
and then decided to put
strawberries on my bagel with cream cheese
for dinner.

The only other highlight of my day was when I was listening to NPR on my commute and
Bret McKenzie from Flight of the Conchords came on for an interview.
Here's a clip from their new season.

Things at work that amuse me.

1. When little French ladies think that I must be Russian since the name Katrina is of Russian origin.

2. When parents come in and can't figure out if I'm French or American at first glance.

3. When I think a kid must be from an American family and am dumbfounded when their foreign parents pick them up.

4. When the kids walk through the hallway as silent as mice and then turn into a pack of howling, screaming monkeys upon stepping one inch outside of the door.

5. When little girls write "No Boys Allowed" in chalk on their section of the sidewalk - in FOUR different languages.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How to put together your favorite childhood puzzle

Step 1: Find favorite childhood puzzle.
Step 2: Dump pieces onto kitchen table.
Step 3: Separate edge pieces from middle pieces and
sort middle pieces according to subject matter.
Step 4: Put together edge pieces.
Step 5: Put together easy parts with the writing on them.
Step 6: Work way up puzzle even though you really want to jump right into character pieces (though I suppose the magic carpet is still a character).
Step 7: Put together characters' pieces.
Step 8: Complete miscellaneous pieces
even though you think that a piece must be missing.