I have some photographic evidence of his visit. :) This morning we went to breakfast with Josh and Mindy even though I woke up an hour and a half late! I need to get back on my sleep schedule. So here are the pictures.

One of our pumpkin pies

I couldn't resist taking this picture. I started laughing so hard when I first saw it.

Awww Tyler's pie

Katie's pie...

Ov-glove to the rescue!

Random picture of Kayoobi

Senor Bob (aka Macayo's margarita mug) is a Cal fan!

Tyler and the Cha Cha mug

a little tired from all of the Thanksgiving socializing and "life explaining" conversation to relatives and family friends.

Ping pong wizard

"stop with the picture taking or you
will be hit with a ping pong ball"

cute, I'm glad that you could make early festivies work out!