Sunday, November 21, 2010

Playing with Pixton

Today I went to a conference about after school programs and the first workshop session that I went to was really informative. I learned about all sorts of new, cool, free web-based tools that I'll be able to use with my students (maybe even my freshman this semester). I started playing around with, a website for making comics. It's so easy to use that I might have my students make comics for our Greek mythology unit...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Snow snow snow...

This is a video from one of my first times snowboarding last year.
I am really looking forward to going again this winter.
Hopefully toe side will start coming a bit more naturally this time around.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Halloween meets Christmas

Aside from eating ungodly amounts of candy corn and discounted chocolate, the only Halloween tradition we partook in this year was pumpkin carving... and this is what we have to show for it.

I present you with Jack the Pumpkin King, glowing hot pink.


I'm lucky that all it takes to cheer me up is a hummingbird.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Etymology & Entomology

Me: Okay, so I'm starting class with etymologies--

Tyler: Entomologies!

Me: No. Etymologies.

Tyler: But you probably accidentally say entomologies sometimes.

Me: No. I don't, because it's et-y-mol-o-gies.

Tyler: Entomology. The study of Entenmann's.