Sunday, October 24, 2010

HP 7

26 days...

I remember the first time I saw the trailer for the very first Harry Potter movie. It gave me chills and even now, nine years later, I still get chills and grin from ear to ear like my 13-year-old self.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My thesis

This is what my last three months of work look like.
Hundreds of pages of scribbled drafts. So many trees.
Just a few more things to tweak and then it will be over.
I'll finally be finished researching
censorship and its connections to African-American literature and high school students.

My afternoon

My afternoon consisted of

dishes (without the luxury of a dishwasher),
candy corn,
and Amelie.
And I've spent the better part of this week looking up pictures online of short haircuts.
I love the haircut I got back in August, but it's growing and getting puffier every day, so the time has come to cut out the rest of my leftover perm from last December.
I have a hair appointment for Friday morning. I'll probably go back and forth between a short bob and a pixie cut about a million times before Friday, picking whichever one happens to be in my mental rotation once I get to the salon.