Saturday, August 21, 2010


Our family went on an awesome camping trip last weekend,
but I think it would have been even more awesome if we'd slept in a tent like this.

We still had an amazing time celebrating Mimi's 75th birthday all together.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hair. Again.

Finally cut my hair! Haven't taken a picture of it yet, but it turned out something like Marion Cotillard's in Inception but lighter brown. It didn't turn out exactly how I expected, but I'm pleased. It's just hair, right??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Awkward Family Photos

I'm seriously considering sending one of these pictures of my siblings and me to

Seaworld circa 1997 (click the photo to magnify the awkwardness)

I'm not sure why my baby brother looks so ticked off...
Maybe he wanted to be on the bigger Shamu?
Separation anxiety from my grandma's candy bag?
Was he too short for one of the park's rides?
I guess we'll never know.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

That time of year.

It may or may not be time for me to cut my hair...
I saw Dinner for Schmucks (which was awful) and the actress in it had the most adorable haircut. She's the last picture, Stephanie Szostak. I've been thinking about cutting my hair for awhile now and I think it's time to take the plunge. I've found that I look more mature with short hair, so maybe that will be good for my student teaching coming up next week. Now for how short I'll go...


I think that Up is my favorite first twenty minutes of a movie ever. The rest of the film is great too, but the beginning is so strong. With its gorgeous colors and a score that sounds like it's made to come out of a music box, the movie always brings a grin to my face and tears to my eyes. Inspiring.