I went to the midnight showing with Kristin, Jess, and Tyler last night it this is the most awkward, overtly sexual movie ever. Crumby love story. Heigl's character was annoying and Butler's character will make your stomach turn.

Aside from pretty shots of hot air balloon rides, there wasn't much I liked about this movie.

On a more exciting note, I'm leaving for Seal Beach, California this afternoon to visit family and hang out on the beach. Our Great Aunt Dot is celebrating her 96th? birthday, so everyone is getting together to visit and reunite since my grandpa's funeral.
There is one silver lining to loved ones passing away -
everyone seems to realize how
precious time with one another
really is.
EDIT: It was my Great Aunt Dot's NINETY-SEVENTH BIRTHDAY!!!
good to know! i thought the trailer looked cute enough, but there's nothing worse than sitting through a bad rom com. :) xoxo